Small Labradorite Freeform

Small Labradorite Freeform

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This gorgeous petite Labradorite piece has the most gorgeous green and teal flashes with a small orange flash up the top! Perfect for those wanting a smaller freeform

This piece is 382g, 5cm in Height, 7cm in Length, and 5cm in Width 

Labradorite - Stone of transformation. Cleanses the aura and works to remove bad habits, thoughts and feelings. Boosts psychic ability and intuition. Encourages unconditional self-love as well as love for others. Awakens one to see joy in everyday life, bringing feelings of empowerment. Relieves stress and anxiety, and helps to remove toxins out of the body. Treats brain, eye, blood pressure and respiratory problems. Also may aid in balancing hormones. Third eye, crown and heart chakras.